Friday, February 8, 2013

First Two Winners

Hello Rival Rebels,

We got our first two WINNERS!! for the contest. The secret was partially revealed on Wednesday by zeneagle that got all the necessary facts, and today Gen-E2142 nailed it!! Congratulations!! He uncovered the TROLL-NUKE. You can check the comments on the Hints post below for more details...

This is the pic that confirms Gen-E2142's findings, here is the link to his album in and the instructions on How to make the Troll Nuke
You can tell by the pics that he was also doing the beta testing of the next version of the mod, but the Troll bomb is present in all versions since 1.0.

So, as we promised, we are still waiting for a runner up winner that makes the first video of the whole process and we are going to extend the prize for two more videos of it in a different language than the first.
So in total there will be 5 prizes given to: 2 first winners, and 3 videomakers that upload the video to Youtube and post the link here for the runner up prize..

Congrats to all, and have fun... and by the way trololo...


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