Rod Disk & Roda Passwords

Rival Rebels Mod Passwords

To unlock the different Rod Disk colors or the Roda crowbar you need to enter a secret password

Passwords Levels

The passwords unlock the Rod Disk & Roda’s Bar hidden features. I give them on merit as a way to thank the people that help me out promoting and supporting Rival Rebels.

Blue Level Code
Rebel Rod Disk (medium range, medium damage). Detail oriented people should have it. (Shown on Rodol Phito’s YouTube videos)

Red Level Code
Officer Rod Disk (long range, high damage) + Roda Bar. Big supporters, and RR server 1st Lieutenants officers and up should have it.

Green Level Code
Leader Rod Disk (max range, max damage) + Roda Bar. Contributors to the Mod, RR promoters in other forums or in You Tube and people that participates on my video recordings on the RR server should have it.

Video Password Easter Egg Hunt! Click Here to start.